Monday, December 31, 2007

I'm Still Impressed with the Candidates and with Jonathan

Great posts and pics continue to be posted (was that a halo around Obama)? It's good to see that Jonathan's love of BHO never died, it just lay fallow for awhile.

So if I could sum up, Jonathan has been impressed with every candidate he has seen in person....they are thoughtful, funny, magnetic, etc. I have no doubt that Obama, Richardson, Thompson, Giuliani, and Huckabee are good, decent men (I still have my doubts about Edwards). These traits are probably more evident in person than filtered through the media. So what is it about the current state our TV, newspaper, internet coverage that is so NEGATIVE about the whole thing? Why do we obsess over who is or is not up by 2 pts, or who is about to go negative, or who has a "nanny (or drug or illegal immigrant or DUI) issue". Why is there, in the media, such a "paucity of hope."

Maybe the truth is that as Americans we view the race as entertainment but let the issues shape our votes. Truth be told, I'm going to click on a link on Drudge that reads "Huck slams Hill" but when I actually go to vote, I'm going to be thinking about what issues each candidate supports and what kind of person he or she is. I think a lot of people are like that. I think America is a land were tens of millions will watch/read what Paris Hilton is doing just for entertainment but it would be hard to find tens of thousands that would vote her to be dog catcher.

Jonathan, the only thing left to make your trip complete would be a pic of HRC and your thoughts of her in person.

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