Friday, December 28, 2007

Day 1 - I Want to Go Home (Part 1)

Delphi, an oracle at the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece, has carved into the wall these two sayings: "Know Thyself" and "Nothing to Excess". Man were they on to something.

I arrived in Iowa after spending an hour with a brilliant young law student named Jed who was on his way to Des Moines to work with the Romney campaign. He answered every issue I raised about his candidate and almost had me convinced to come to Dale's side. I was even more impressed that this young man has been volunteering at the Boston HQ for Romney since September and if things break well for him here, could find himself working in a significant role in a national campaign.

I also realized that I am to old to be stumping around Iowa on this crazy adventure. Once I had checked into my hotel (man, they need a Ritz in Des Moines) I headed for downtown to begin my sure to be important work at Huck's HQ. I entered the storefront off Locust St (right next to Ron Paul's HQ ironically) to find three young people sitting behind desks and it fit my West Wing Santos image of the unexpected rise of the Governor. I expected to take the fourth desk and start making my impact. But next I was ushered to the offices upstairs. More young people and a couple of older folks who looked in charge. Now I know phone rooms. I have 25 telemarketers who work for our company and I personally helped outfit their work environment. This was no Casablanca phone room with a strip view.

I was introduced to the middle aged man who after asking my name twice introduced me to Jackie as Alvin Lee. Once I corrected him, Jackie remembered a vague conversation we had a week ago. While I saw my name on her list, she asked again for information on my background that I had previously given her four times in two different forms of communication. Then she asked about my experience. "Well, I have a marketing and theology background." "No, I mean campaign experience." "You're looking at it." The next ten minutes was spent with these two well meaning adults explaining to me how and where to park my car and get back to the office and I had to fight off an escort to help get me back. "Don't worry guys, I can find my way."

When I arrived back at HQ, I was handed a script and a official Huckabee cell phone and that's when it hit me. I was the next oldest guy in the room next to my new comrades. What was I doing in Iowa? Who built it and why did I come? Panic set it in. I sat down at an empty table and called Spillman (because my wife wouldn't answer in my hour of need because she was trying on jeans). I announced I would be on the next plane to Vegas. I had made a huge mistake.

(Stay tuned for more after I return from dinner)

1 comment:

GO Student Ministries PARENT BLOG said...

don't go home.....we are proud of you...we made it back to tn ok....campbell prayed for you tonight before he went to bed!