Friday, December 21, 2007

Huck's Rebellion?

A couple of good articles highlighting the movement behind Huck's surge:

"If you had to bet, you'd wager that the Republican establishment will eventually crush Huckabee. But the rebellion he is leading is a warning to Republicans. The faithful are restive, tired of being used, and no longer willing to do the bidding of a crowd that subordinates Main Street's values to Wall Street's interests."
--E.J.Dionne, Real Clear Politics

"That may be why after seven years of Bush economic policies, sky-high fuel prices, rampant economic inequality, fears of globalization, and the shadow of recession on the horizon, these down-to-earth, hard-working Iowans may be poised to rebel against the politics of inevitability. There is an inherent populism in proving to the political establishment that ordinary Iowans -- not the TV talking heads -- decide who wins the caucuses. Something is stirring in Iowa that does not fit into traditional political categories and -- for the moment -- Huckabee is its rags-to-riches embodiment."
--Walter Shapiro,

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