Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dems to desert for McCain

These numbers seem a bit high from Gallup, but provide useful data to support two important campaign storylines:

1. John McCain is pretty well liked among centrist Democrats
2. While Obama and Clinton have little to disagree about on policy, there is personal animosity among a significant minority of supporters in both camps for their opponent

Remember, in the heat of the Republican primary Anne Coulter pledged her support for HRC-BHO over John McCain. Primaries can be intense. These voters may re-evaluate on election day.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Obama Flame-Out Watch (Continued)

Three weeks ago, I asked why Hillary is not dead already yet. I've got to say, since Obama's much-heralded "Wright Speech", thinks are not looking good for Obmaniacs. VDH has a great summary here. I think the Wright attack worked against Obama because, much like Kerry and the Swift Boats, it reinforced a hunch many people do have about Obama.....that he "hates" America. No, he doesn't hate America in the flag-burning, spit on veterans, pose with Iraq insurgents sense, but he does feel comfortable in the company of people who want God to damn America. Who, like his wife, are only NOW proud of America because presumably many Americans like them. This is the hate of the insular, blessed elite....who have reaped so much of what America offers, but are also repelled by it. For some reason the elites will never understand, most Americans actually LIKE America, most Americans despise racists whether black or white, and most Americans judge candidates by the company they keep.

Hillary is going to win the nomination. The turning points will be noted as the SNL skits , the Wright speech, and this blog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Apologies to George McGovern

I've frequently criticized Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for doing their best to disguise their liberal idealogy behind shallow, less offensive slogans like "hope" and "change". The policy behind these soundbytes is a platform similar to the likes of Humphrey, McGovern, Carter, and Mondale. I owe an apology to Mr. McGovern.

Earlier this month, George McGovern penned an op-ed entitled Freedom Means Responsibility. Both parties could benefit from the quick read.

McGovern states, "Since leaving office I've written about public policy from a new perspective: outside looking in. I've come to realize that protecting freedom of choice in our everyday lives is essential to maintaining a healthy civil society."

He continues, "The nature of freedom of choice is that some people will misuse their responsibility and hurt themselves in the process. We should do our best to educate them, but without diminishing choice for everyone else."

Unfortunately the 2008 Election is shaping up to be all about increasing the paternalistic role of our federal government. Both parties present agendas that will make it more difficult for free individuals to make informed decisions about their health care, mortgage, retirement, education, and environment.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Hillary "Surge"

I don't have anything to base this on beyond my daily reading of and listening to "POTUS 08" on XM during my commute, but I'm sensing a slight momentum shift to Hillary that should keep her in the race past Tuesday.

It looks to me like she will win Ohio and TX will be close either way. I think a split keeps her in, especially as she can look to Pennsylvania where she has a lead. It looks like Florida (and perhaps Michigan) will be "do over" primaries, further encouraging her to stay in. I know the numbers probably don't favor her, but all she has to do is to keep it close for her to think she has a chance at the convention. Also, I'm not a big media consipiracy guy, but there is no doubt it is in journalist's best interest to keep this thing going as long as possible. What would MSNBC be running right now if there weren't a primary contest?

Obama is a rock star. The last candidate even close to him had to be Reagan ('80 and before). But what does it say about Obama that he can't put Hillary away? Are the flaws that are causing Dem primary goers to gulp big enough to cripple him in the general election?