Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Are the Democrats Trying to Warn Us About Obama?

Sure, Obama will win Oregon tonight and move closer to cinching the nomination.....but doesn't anyone find it strange that 65% of DEMOCRATS in Kentucky STILL don't want to vote for the man that will be the party's standard bearer in the fall? You want to discount Kentucky? Well, what are the majority of DEMOCRATIC voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana trying to tell us? I heard on MSNBC tonight that since Feb 19, HRC has amassed 500,000 more votes than Obama.

Look, I'm a Republican, and no fan of Obama or Hillary. I would just like some Democrat (or "Independent") to explain to me why anyone should vote for Obama in the fall when almost half of all the members of his own party don't want him......even now.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Real Battle

After correctly predicting the results in North Carolina and Indiana (for the first time this season I might add), I have watched with contained glee to see the Clinton machine try and find the new "path" to the nomination (Howard Wolfson now claims the popular vote in Puerto Rico is the new math necessary to be the game changer).

So here is what I have noticed. The real battle here is not between BHO and HRC for the Democratic nomination. The truth is, it may never have been. This fight is and has been about who will lead the Democratic party into its next era - the young upstart with the quintessential American story or the formally young upstart with the former quintessential American story.

This is, has been, and will be about Barack vs. Bill and over control of the house the Bill built. Why else would the Clinton's risk their past legacy (albeit a questionable one for the majority of people, but a legacy nonetheless) and their future over this race? Bill has cared much less about Hill on his sojourns around the campaign stops and centered much more on himself and his history and his future. With HRC in the White House, Bill is firmly entrenched as the Democratic father for the foreseeable future.

That is why he still wags his finger, why his face turns fire engine red, and why he is willing to play the race card even if it means the destruction of the party ("if I can have it, nobody will"). It is Bill who has been running this campaign which is why he will not be silenced unless he believes it strategic. And because of Bill it will go on. He has more to lose than she does.

And Bill is in the fight of his life. Perhaps his last as the grand CEO of the party he built.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Indiana Primary Endorsements - Saddle Creek Precinct

Indiana Primary Endorsements - Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Republican Ballot, Hamilton County, Indiana
Saddle Creek Precinct, Clay Township #263

President of the United States: Mitt Romney

Governor: Mitch Daniels

U.S. Representative (IN-5): Dan Burton

State Representative (87): Cindy Noe

Judge Circuit Court: Sonia J. Leerkamp
Judge of the Superior Court No. 3: William J. Hughes
Judge of the Superior Court No. 4: J. Richard Campbell
Judge of the Superior Court No. 5: Wayne A. Sturtevant

County Auditor: Dawn Coverdale
County Treasurer: Kim Good
County Surveyor: Kenton C. Ward

County Commissioner (Dist. 2): Steven C. Dillinger
County Commissioner (Dist. 3): Steven A. Holt
County Council: Brad Beaver, Jim Belden, and Rick F. McKinney

Carmel Clay School Board: Tom Linkmeyer and Joseph R. Miller

The Saddle Creek precinct will vote in a new location for this primary. Voting will take place in the break area of Carmel Water Distribution at 3450 W 131st St. Polls are open from 6a to 6p. The Supreme Court has upheld Indiana's law to require photo identification, so don't forget yours. Happy Election Day!