Monday, March 24, 2008

Obama Flame-Out Watch (Continued)

Three weeks ago, I asked why Hillary is not dead already yet. I've got to say, since Obama's much-heralded "Wright Speech", thinks are not looking good for Obmaniacs. VDH has a great summary here. I think the Wright attack worked against Obama because, much like Kerry and the Swift Boats, it reinforced a hunch many people do have about Obama.....that he "hates" America. No, he doesn't hate America in the flag-burning, spit on veterans, pose with Iraq insurgents sense, but he does feel comfortable in the company of people who want God to damn America. Who, like his wife, are only NOW proud of America because presumably many Americans like them. This is the hate of the insular, blessed elite....who have reaped so much of what America offers, but are also repelled by it. For some reason the elites will never understand, most Americans actually LIKE America, most Americans despise racists whether black or white, and most Americans judge candidates by the company they keep.

Hillary is going to win the nomination. The turning points will be noted as the SNL skits , the Wright speech, and this blog.

1 comment:

wfbjr said...

1. Obama has the money to narrow Hillary's lead in PA and to pull off some victories elsewhere

2. Juan Williams said the Obama speech was a great commentary on race in America, but failed to address the central issue on the table which was the Obamas' cozy relationship with the inflammatory pastor

3. As an isolated incident, this dust up may be short-lived, but combined with his liberal voting record and liberal platform will be useful for the heartland to learn more about the man behind the candidacy