Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Level

Three weeks ago, I got permission (albeit reluctant) to head to Iowa to work helping the Huckabee campaign. But as the week went on I had decided against the insanity of going to subfreezing temperatures to stuff envelopes and go door-to-door on behalf of a former SBC preacher. Then yesterday morning, after receiving Winger's announcement that he was headed to the Quad Cities area to stump for Romney, I was reinvigorated. Twenty-four hours later, I have flights, hotel, and a rental car. I have spoken with Jackie Henson, Huckabee volunteer coordinator at HQ in Des Moines, and word was "Get here as soon as you can."

So at 6:30am, December 28, I will fly from Raleigh to Des Moines to participate on the front lines of the most wide open Presidential race in my lifetime.

Dale and I as a part of our ongoing political conversation intend to blog regularly of our experiences on the ground in Iowa as we join the fray for the final week through the January 3 caucus.

You will be able to find our posts here as we describe the preparation and the reports from the field. We have invited our regular cast of political outsiders to join us in posting their thoughts/opinions/beliefs and responses to our Iowa adventure.

For everyone else, Dale and I hope you will enjoy and perhaps even be a bit enlightened by our shared experiences in the Ground Game - Iowa.

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