Sunday, December 30, 2007

Huckabunker Before the Final Stretch

Huckabee, following his Meet the Press interview live at 8am cst this morning, went off the public radar. His event at 11am at Cornerstone Family Church was canceled. I called HQ to find out where he would be appearing this afternoon and no public appearances we on the schedule. They were also not aware of any events tomorrow. I doubt that the SBC preacher is just observing the Sabbath or watching the final weekend of the NFL just four days before the caucus that holds his political future in hand.

Jonathan Martin of Politico mentions that Huckabee has "the calvary" in the way of political operatives joining him today for the final stretch. He also notes that Huckabee is shooting new ads this afternoon.

But I question why on the last weekend day before the caucus the Huckabee campaign is not taking advantage of free time for Iowans and making the rounds like every other POTUS hopeful.

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