Friday, February 15, 2008

The Streets of Heaven Are Too Crowded With Angels Tonight

At NIU, a former grad student opened fire on a lecture hall and killed six and wounded fifteen.

If there is one issue I struggle with both sides of the aisle, it is this one. I have heard all the arguments for guns and free speech. I know there are bad or crazy people every where, in every time and every generation. But I have grown weary of school shootings. From Columbine to Virginia Tech and all the ones in between, I am sickened the closer my daughter gets to high school and college.

I think there are too many guns and people have too much access to them.

I believe the video games that not only allow but promote killings and are indelibly linked to these shootings should be banned and the makers prosecuted as accomplices to murder.

I want the movie actors and makers that produce this over the top violence to have to sit across from the families of those killed and try to explain there paycheck from these films.

I know it infringes ultimately on my rights somewhere in the process.

I know it would not necessarily prevent these massacres.

I know my solutions could even be anti-American.

But no one has come up with anything better and these events continue to repeat themselves over and over.

And the streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight...

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