Thursday, February 7, 2008

Conservative Cheer

Mitt Romney (84%)
John McCain (78%)
Mike Huckabee (60%)
Hillary Clinton (27%)
Barack Obama (19%)

Last summer, I used an online Candidate Selector to help sort out a very crowded presidential field on the basis of issues. My theoretical perfect candidate was a 100% match, and the real candidates that remain in the race followed as you see above.

Since then, on the GOP side we have learned that most Republicans trust John McCain on matters of defense. Likewise, Mike Huckabee seems to carry the most credibility on social issues, and Mitt Romney inspires us with his ability to unleash America's economic potential.

So why all the angst among conservatives as John McCain has won over half the delegates needed for the nomination? It is my sense that of the three, he will receive the frostiest reception from conservatives at CPAC 2008 that begins today at the Omni Shoreham in Washington. I suspect there is a certain "payback factor" that many feel Senator McCain is owed for selling conservatives down the river on a number of issues since 2000.

Is this the best for America? Conservatives have historically sought to align with good ideas and sound policy over political expediency or opinion polls. John McCain was leading this charge on the most important (and perhaps most unpopular) issue of the last eight years--the troop surge in Iraq. Is he a 100% match with conservative principles? No, but let's be Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee? Was Ronald Reagan?

I like that Mitt Romney seeks to continue in this race. His ideas strike a chord with a sizable number of Republicans. So do Mike Huckabee's. I'm not sure why some have called for Huck's exit; gee whiz..he won five states on Super Tuesday.

This may go to the convention, but it needs to go for the right reasons. While the temptation will be to "payback" John McCain, this needs to be about ideas, dialogue, and an inspiring vision for America's future. Let's spread some conservative cheer!

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