Monday, February 11, 2008

The Common Chap

Colin Cowherd took the last thirty seconds of his interview with Peter Gammons this morning to discuss the 60 Minutes interviews with Obama and Clinton last evening. As Gammons described himself as an MSNBC junkie, I realized that the average Joe (as Scarborough would be cheering now) doesn't pay as much attention to the Presidential race as some of us contributors and readers of Ground Game.

Thus, the 60 Minutes segment is probably more influential than the hours a cable news that I digest each week. To that end, it was a great introduction to Barack. Scenes with him sitting in his suite with his family watching the returns, chumming it up with Kennedy, Kerry, and Robert Deniro showed him to be the average guy with whom you would enjoy spending a few minutes of conversation. (or basketball, a superstition which he now employs the day of every primary or caucus since his staff discovered that the only time they did not play were the mornings before New Hampshire and Nevada). Obama is quick on his feet and carries himself in such a way that reveals authenticity, especially compared to Hillary's programmed style and verbiage that seemingly can not be turned off even for a moment.

The fastest growing segment of support, especially since the departure of John Edwards, is that of white males. For two such men, sports aficionados no doubt, to be discussing how they are inspired by Obama and according to Cowherd, "can't wait for the next words out of his mouth" shows that his broadened support is amassing across the nation.

On a personal note, one of Ground Game's contributors, Danny Yeatts, is presently at the University of Maryland (with good seats mind you) for the Obama rally in the Chesapeake state today. We look forward to a full report.

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