Saturday, February 9, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

First of all props to Jonathan and Dale for following this race early and often. They new a year ago what the rest of the US just realized, this has been a great, historic primary season.

On to McCain. I may have posted why I support McCain, but just in case here is why I do.

-During the defining event of his generation (Vietnam) he served honorably. He had family connections that could have gotten him out of it, or gotten released early, but he served.
-In the 90s, when Clinton was sending troops to Bosnia, McCain stood by him with troops in harms way. We conservatives hate to admit it, but the Bosnian intervention worked.
-On Iraq, he was right. The only end-game is victory, and more troops were needed for that. He stood by Bush when NO ONE was backing him.
-He has been a tireless campaigner against pork barrel spending.
-He has been consistently pro-life.
-After a tough primary in 2000, McCain campaigned for Bush tirelessly in 2000 and then again in 2004. He supported Bush when it mattered.

Now, here is what drives me nuts. I don't agree with everything McCain has done. I hate some of his positions. Anyone is free to argue with campaign finance reform, taxes, etc. What makes no sense is the constant attacks from Limbaugh, Coulter, CPAC, etc. In the primary, you can support any candidate you want. Once that candidate is done, you then have to look for who will best lead this country (NOT, "who will best lead the conservative cause") It's insanity to not go all out for McCain over Clinton/Obama and folks like Limbaugh/Coulter to attack him, diminishes themselves.

McCain is a good man with many good policies. For those who care about what is best for this country, it's time to start working to elect him as the next President of the US.

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