Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michelle's America

Today Jonathan Last points out that Barack and Michelle Obama represent everything that is great about America. Their life experience would show that America is a place where hard work and determination can put even the most unlikely onto a path for greatness. Yet their campaign rhetoric leads us to believe that their ascension is more likely the result of some fluke, like somehow they've beaten a system that was rigged against them.

"Instead of seeing America as a place which afforded her the opportunity to create a blessed life, Mrs. Obama seems to view it as a place where some "people" are always trying to hold her back. Whoever these "people" are, we should be glad they haven't been successful. Michelle Obama's progress is--despite her telling of it--an inspirational story that should make us proud of America, not frustrated by, and scornful of, it. It says something about her view of this nation, and of her husband and herself, that she seems to find it so difficult--their own experience notwithstanding--to feel gratitude for and pride in her country."

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