Monday, February 25, 2008

McCain's Dream Scenario

It now looks likely that the Clinton camp, only last week seeming to send signs to some that they might exit with grace, are intent on destroying Barack Obama, the hope he spreads and the Democratic Party along the way. Clinton staffers emailed a picture of Obama wearing Middle Eastern garb while on a diplomatic trip, a similar process engaged in by many members of US envoys including the Clinton's at different times. The photo plays into the chain email suggesting the Obama is secretly Muslim and unpatriotic (allow me a moment to rant - I received that email twice from seemingly intelligent Christian people who obviously missed the "don't slander a brother" portion of the Bible. It is one of the products of the modern Christian establishment programming people's thoughts instead of teaching people how to think and challenging them to do so, but I digress)

Add to the leaked picture Hillary's mocking Obama as a Christ figure ascending from the sky and her "Shame on you, Barack Obama" for sending a mailer to Ohio voters rightly attaching her to NAFTA and we see Clinton has decided to drudge the depths of the barrel for whatever might stick.

All of this at the same time John McCain is backing down the NY Times and Ralph Nader has resumed the role of spoiler. Conservatives who backed Romney must now really be kicking themselves as it seems the Democrats may not be as invincible as it appeared now that Hillary has decided to eat her young to win the nomination.

And this is the best America has to offer? Wonder how long Michelle will be proud.

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