Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who Will Be My VP?


It all depends on who he is running against. If it is Obama, he chooses Mike Huckabee. He will need to sure up the conservative base and his prospects of swaying independents is greatly hampered. Huck provides a "man amongst the people" Christian Conservative following as well as a nicely fitting populous economic message that would hopefully (and unsuccessfully) counter that of Obama's. If it is Hillary, McCain chooses Crist. He does not need to worry about uniting the base. Clinton does that for him. He will play better with Independents and will need to sure up Florida by taking the extremely popular Governor (70% approval rating)


Edwards must have struck some deal to get out of the race at this point as it cost him very little to go on through Super Tuesday and be in a better bargaining position. But the VP slot is unlikely (watch him for Attorney General). More likely is Jim Webb of Virginia (thanks Danny) who is almost like having McCain run on his ticket. It helps sure up any question of foreign policy and adds the Governor of a state that is in play in 2008.


So who wants to run with the big, bad wolf? Wesley Clark? Evan Bayh? Bill Richardson? The Wicked Witch of the West? It really doesn't matter. Bill Clinton will be the defacto President/Vice President. The VP slot is all about meeting the whatever collegiate national championship teams visiting the White House in the next four years.

1 comment:

wfbjr said...

McCain dislikes conservatives, and will not seek to make nice with them -- this keeps Huckabee in the hunt, but might be unnecessary torment for the right.

South Carolina's John McCain, Jr. (Lindsey Graham) should be leading this conversation, as he has been auditioning as McCain's VP for 8 years, and proved his value by delivering his home state last week.

I also wouldn't rule out Lieberman.