Wednesday, January 30, 2008

White Men Will Make the Difference

The drama that is the Democratic race for the nomination takes another important turn today. At 1pm EST in New Orleans, John Edwards will bow out of the race. It sets up the irony that white men, the only group that Edwards has marked consistent success, must now choose to support a women or an African-American man. In South Carolina, the key group was virtually split between Obama and Clinton just below 30% while Edwards carried this segment with just over 40% of the vote.


Speaking of white guys, the three left in the Republican race were forecast by contributors to Ground Game. Jonathan's long-shot (and even longer-shot now), Dale's well financed early front runner (who has been gagging for a while) and Justin's 2008 version of Lazarus will be standing together at the Reagan Library with their game faces on later this evening. It seems all the Republican candidates (except Romney of course) have chosen their favorite Republican candidate as Rudy will endorse today and Huck, by staying in the race and drawing Christian conservative votes from Romney, has endorsed in his own way. The only real question left is will Huck or Florida's Governor Charlie Crist be McCain's running mate.

(And we're back)

The long awaited one-on-one will light up Hollywood Thursday night. All the momentum, the passing of the (Kennedy) Torch, and the love affair with the media has Obama riding high while Clinton has been reduced to giving her best Lou Gehrig "I'm the luckiest (lady) on the face of the earth" rendition at a rain shortened seven inning intra-squad preseason game at a high school field in Florida. (By the way, Obama actually split evenly the Florida vote of those who actually went to the polls yesterday. Much of Clinton's support came prior to the South Carolina whipping and the Kenndy endorsement via early voting) Bill has been put back in his box (for at least one day) and she enters Thursday night, dare I say, a bit desperate. You think there were fireworks last week, just wait to see them go at it this week.

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