Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McCain Wins!

(thoughts from J Butters)

McCain was right on the biggest issue of our time, Iraq (more troops for victory). He was right for years, supported Bush when he came on board when NO ONE defended Bush, and has ridden the surge to his current popularity (rightly so)
McCain did vote against Bush's tax cuts, but he has also been a tireless campaigner against wasteful govt spending. I would gladly forgo tax cuts if Washington would eliminate earmarks and out of control spending. (I will never support a tax increase, however)
In the defining issue of his generation, Vietnam, McCain served and served honorably and with distinction. This sets him apart from just about everyone in the field.
He is getting endorsed by Rudy at the Reagan library for crying out loud, and Nancy loves him. That has to count for something.
Ironically, his victory in Florida exposes the problems with his biggest mistake, McCain Feingold. Romney outspent him 10 to 1 in TV ads and still lost. Money is not the problem in campaigns.
And let's not forget, McCain does better against Clinton or Obama in polling than Romney or anyone else. Dale, don't look at it as a choice between McCain or Romney, look at it as a choice between McCain and Clinton and that should focus the mind.

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