Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sorry, Charlie - Palin Electrifies Conservatives

Politico reports that Palin electrifies conservatives. The powerful conservative engine that carried Bush-Cheney to two victories has never revved up for McCain. The people that drive this engine don't say much, but they live in the swing states of the heartland. They are on fire for Sarah Palin.
Palin was not selected to appeal to pro-choice California Republicans like Charlie who admire the way that Joe Biden attacked Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. As an aside, in advance of the hearing Sen. Biden privately assured Thomas that he would support his confirmation. Fortunately, Thomas correctly suspected that Biden was lying to his face to soften him up and won confirmation despite Biden's best Washington two-faced hit job.

True, there is much to be learned about Governor Palin's capabilities to be Commander-in-Chief. We do know that she fearlessly challenged the very powerful status quo in her own party to become her state's popular top executive. When talking about his leadership background, Barack Obama told Rick Warren that his toughest decison was to oppose the Iraq War while in the IL legislature - because it could have jeopardized his political future. Has Barack Obama ever stood up to anyone? It took him 3 attempts to admonish his radical pastor. Obama is soft compared to most hockey moms, but particularly Sarah Palin.

No doubt Palin lacks plenty in foreign affairs expertise - the same charge would have been leveled against most any governor McCain selected. However, she is an expert on the most pressing domestic issue, unlike Speaker Pelosi who last week told Meet the Press (3 times in the same appearance!) that natural gas was an alternative to fossil fuels.

In 1988 the Democrats tried to compensate for the neophyte on the top of their ticket with seasoned Senator Lloyd Bentsen. The mainstream media howled that Bentsen would wipe the floor with Dan Quayle. He did. Quayle gave the media plenty to support their hypothesis, but America recognized the bigger potential disaster - President Dukakis. Bush-Quayle won 40 states.

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